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Newspaper Headlines for 29 May 2014

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Daily Express () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
MILLIONS of Britons feel they cannot afford to save money, warned a damning report last night. But experts say families must find a way to cut spending and start saving – or risk stress and poverty in old age. They blame the savings shortfall on the...

Daily Mail () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: Front Page: LIB DEMS IN MELTDOWN
THE poison at the heart of the Liberal Democrat party burst into the open last night after an explosive resignation statement which rocked the political establishment. Lord Oakeshott quit with a series of savage parting shots which inflicted...

Daily Mirror () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014

Daily Star () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: Front Page: ONE D’S ZAYN DRIVES KIDS TO DRUGS

ONE Direction were last night accused of encouraging kids to take drugs after idols Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik puffed on a spliff in their limo. Anti-drug campaigners said it was “utterly irresponsible” of the band who have an army of young fans.

I Newspaper () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: NEWS: Landlord advertises for Pakistani family

A landlord was ordered by police to remove a sign seeking only Pakistani families to rent his terraced house. The handwritten notice that appeared in a property in Railway Street in Nelson, Lancashire, was condemned by community leaders and the town’s...

London Evening Standard () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
TWO schoolboy brothers aged 14 and 15 were among suspects arrested today on suspicion of dealing Class A drugs, including crack cocaine and heroin. The pair are alleged to be prominent gang members who peddled substances on the streets of a...

The Daily Telegraph () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: Front Page: Chelsea Pensioners join Wi-Fi generation

With the 70th anniversary of D-Day approaching, Chelsea Pensioners are joining the internet age. Wi-Fi is being installed throughout the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, where residents including Cpl John Walker, Sgt Paddy Fox and Sgt Michael Allen, above left...

The Guardian () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: MIRANDINHA: Maya Angelou, a woman of passion, compassion and daring, dies aged 86

The first time I interviewed Maya Angelou in 2002 I got hammered. What was supposed to have been a 45-minute interview in a hotel room near Los Angeles had turned into a 16-hour day, much of it spent in her stretch limo, during which we’d been to lunch...

The Independent () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: FRONT PAGE: Grammar schools widen gap between rich and poor
Grammar schools contribute to social inequality and lead to a widening of the income gap between rich and poor, according to new research. The study represents the starkest evidence yet of the long-term harm suffered by those who miss out on grammar...

The Scotsman () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014
5/29/2014: Front Page: Scotland denied by last-gasp goal from Nigeria Pressure grows on Clegg as top peer resigns
PRESSURE mounted on Nick Clegg yesterday after Lord Oakeshott quit the Liberal Democrats, warning that the party is “heading for disaster” under the Deputy Prime Minister’s leadership. The peer said he was leaving with a “heavy heart”, urging his...

The Sun () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014

The Times () Newspaper Front Page for 29 May 2014

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